
Our Debt To The Heroic Men And Valiant WomenIn The Service Of Our Country Can Never Be Repaid.They Have Earned Our Undying Gratitude.For Love Of Country They Accepted Death And Thus Resolved All Doubts And Made Immortal Their Patriotism And Their Virtue– Harry Truman & James A Garfield   What’s next? Whenever you’re ready –...
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Webster defines a Leader as “One who Leads”. Profound isn’t it ? What we discover is a leader is not necessarily one with a position but one with a process of performance in solving problems. All to often we find people in a position of leadership who really aren’t leaders; they just follow directions in...
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PROBLEMS PRODUCE PAIN, CHANGE, FRUSTRATION, DELAYS AND A HOST OF INCONVENIENCES. However problems are not the problem; our response to the problems is the problem. So let’s look at 4 things to remember about problems.   1. Problems are inevitable. They are part of life. They are not an elective of life; they are part of...
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We hear a lot about “Mindset” these days but what is it that we are setting our minds on? We are not talking about “Positive” thinking or “Negative” thinking but right thinking. Why is it important? It is important because the world is competing for your mind and not everything you see, read, hear and...
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Welcome to my first blog.  I never thought in a million years I would be blogging, but here I am making adaptations and doing the uncomfortable to keep up with the times. If we don’t keep up with the times we get left behind. Even though I still don’t really understand it all. Can you...
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About Maximize You

Maximizing You is about helping you to maximize yourself in all you do. You may not be the best at a particular skill or trade, but you can be the best version of yourself.

At Maximizing You, we want to teach you how to apply proven principles of success to access your talents, gifts, strengths and uniqueness and maximize your potential.

It doesn’t make any difference where you are in life age or abilities. With Maximizing You, you can start where you are and develop a step-by-step plan to optimize all that you are to fulfill your purpose in life.

Be sure to download our FREE ebook on the PROCESS OF CHANGE.