However problems are not the problem; our response to the problems is the problem.

So let’s look at 4 things to remember about problems.  

1. Problems are inevitable. They are part of life. They are not an elective of life; they are part of the process required to graduate to the next step or level in life. 

2. Problems are diversified. They are as multicolored as the complete spectrum of the rainbow.  They vary in frequency and tensity and length. 

3. Problems are unpredictable. They never arrive at a good time and are always inconvenient. They intrude on our lives and disrupt our plans. 

4. Problems are purposeful. It’s called forced growth, learning, change of plans, and change of direction. Many times one problem can reveal other problems you didn’t know you had. 

When was the last time you experienced significant growth or development without solving problems? Problems test your commitment and resolve, bring clarity and creativity to your mission, and reveal your true leaders. You don’t develop endurance, staying power, and resilience in the classroom. True character is refined and revealed through problems; like a tea bag, you really don’t know what’s inside until you dip it in hot water. 

So, how do we respond to these various problems we encounter? You get excited because you are about to grow. Every problem you solve makes you more valuable. The marketplace pays for a value, and the more problems you solve, the more valuable you become! Ask what can I learn, how can I grow NOT why is this happening. 

Relax. You’ve solved problems before, and you’ll solve these problems too.

What’s next? Whenever you’re ready – here are three ways I can help you take your business to the next level:

  1. Grab a free copy of my “The Process of Change” e-book. It’s a road map to understanding and embracing why change is necessary for growth.
    Click Here
  2. Watch a video about how I can help.
    Learning more information is great; however, if you want information that is simplified into a can-do type of confidence and can be applied immediately, then it’s time to take action. Watch this quick video about how to take the next step.
    Click Here
  3. Book me to speak to your company.
    If you’d like me to work directly with your company and help your team, then send me a message. Click the link below, tell me a little about your company, and describe what you’d like us to work on together. I’m ready to help inspire your team, so I’ll get back to you ASAP with all of the details.
    Click Here