Webster defines a Leader as “One who Leads”. Profound isn’t it ?

What we discover is a leader is not necessarily one with a position but one with a process of performance in solving problems. All to often we find people in a position of leadership who really aren’t leaders; they just follow directions in accordance with their boss. On the other hand we all know people who don’t have a leadership position but are leaders wherever they are.

There are many practical definitions of a “Leader”. The one I use most is from Bobb Biehl. He says a leader:

1. Knows what to do next.

2. Knows why it is important.

3. Knows how to take current resources to solve the problems at hand

If a plane loaded with highly educated senior executives crashes in the middle of a jungle, and fortunately everyone survives, are found by a native raised in the jungle, who’s the leader of the pack?

Those who have risen to be leaders seem to have 4 characteristics.

1. Takes responsibility to equip a people to reach their goals

2. One who knows where he’s going

3. Able to persuade others to go with him (Much coming without words)

4. Deeply committed or infected  with a cause or concept

            A. Interested in IDEAS – Goal-oriented

            B. Interested in INDIVIDUALS – People-oriented


What’s next? Whenever you’re ready – here are three ways I can help you take your business to the next level:

  1. Grab a free copy of my “The Process of Change” e-book. It’s a road map to understanding and embracing why change is necessary for growth.
    Click Here  http://change.maximizeyou.com
  2. Watch a video about how I can help.
    Learning more information is great; however, if you want information that is simplified into a can-do type of confidence and can be applied immediately, then it’s time to take action. Watch this quick video about how to take the next step.
    Click Here  http://nextstep.maximizeyou.com
  3. Book me to speak to your company.
    If you’d like me to work directly with your company and help your team, then send me a message. Click the link below, tell me a little about your company, and describe what you’d like us to work on together. I’m ready to help inspire your team, so I’ll get back to you ASAP with all of the details.
    Click Here  http://nextstep.maximizeyou.com